Lawton Northeast
Lions Club

Who is a Lion

He who achieves success, lives well,
laughs often, loves all human kind,
gains the respect of intelligent men
and the love of little children
He fills his niche, does well his work,
and makes God's world a better place than it was
by just a brighter flow'r, a perfect poem,
a human soul awake to its own loveliness;
He feels the glow of beauty in all life,
and never fails to voice his praise of it;
he sees the best there is in fellow men;
and gives to them the best there is in him;
his life is one vast inspiration.

Who Is A Lion, Code of Ethics, Objectives, Lion History, Local Lion History, Our Presidents, Past District Govs., Lions In Remembrance, Lion Activities, Club Officers, Members, Lion of the Year, Lion of the Month, New Members, Birthdays Page, P.R. Page, District Links, World Links, Lions International HQ, Back to Homepage